Supported Endpoint Types, Subtypes, and Action Commands

The following table lists the action commands that are available for each enhanced security capable endpoint type. If the endpoint type that you are working with is not listed, see Supported Endpoint Types.

Endpoint type

Supported commands



100G DLS

100G ICS

Read Endpoint

Check Endpoint

Program Endpoint

Program With GDT (100G DLS and 100T-HON)

Change Mode

Factory Ship Mode

Reset Endpoint

Read Tampers

Network Coverage

Extract Interval Data

View Secure Cmd Log

OW Riva Intelis 250/425 Gas Meter (operating in Mobile mode)

Note: This name in the FDM user interface represents Intelis 250 and 425 Gas Meters.

Read Endpoint

Check Endpoint

Program Endpoint

Change Mode

Factory Ship Mode

Valve Commands

Reset Endpoint

Extract Interval Data

View Secure Cmd Log

Switch to OW Riva Network

Test Mode Operations



Intelis Gas Meter (operating in Mobile mode)

Read Endpoint

Check Endpoint

Program Endpoint

Change Mode

Factory Ship Mode

Valve Commands

Reset Endpoint

Network Coverage

Extract Interval Data

View Secure Cmd Log

Close Session

Switch to OW Riva Network

Test Mode Operations

Itron Cellular 500G Module (operating in Mobile mode)

Read Endpoint

Check Endpoint

Check Cellular Parameters in mobile mode

Program Endpoint

Change Mode

Factory Ship Mode

Reset Endpoint

Extract Interval Data

View Secure Cmd Log

Switch to OW Riva Network

Gen5 Intelis Gas Meter (operating in Mobile mode)

Read Endpoint

Check Endpoint

Program Endpoint

Factory Ship Mode

Change Mode

Reset Endpoint

Valve Commands

Extract Interval Data

View Secure Cmd Log

Test Mode Operations

Close Session

Switch to Network

OpenWay Riva 500G ERT Module (operating in Mobile mode)

Read Endpoint

Check Endpoint

Program Endpoint

Program With GDT (100G DLS and 100T-HON)

Change Mode

Factory Ship Mode

Reset Endpoint

Read Tampers

Extract Interval Data

View Secure Cmd Log

Factory Reset

Switch to OW Riva Network

Gen5 500G ERT Module (operating in Mobile mode)

Read Endpoint

Check Endpoint

Program Endpoint

Change Mode

Factory Ship Mode

Reset Endpoint

Factory Reset

Extract Interval Data

View Secure Cmd Log

Switch to OW Riva Network



100W+ 100WP+ 100W-R+ 100WP-R+

Read Endpoint

Check Endpoint

Program Endpoint

Change Mode

Factory Ship Mode

Reset Endpoint

Valve Commands (Water ERT Modules)

Enable Rightsizing

View Rightsizing Data

Network Coverage

View Event Log

Extract Interval Data

View Secure Cmd Log

OpenWay Riva 500W ERT Module (operating in Mobile mode)

Read Endpoint

Check Endpoint

Program Endpoint

Change Mode

Factory Ship Mode

Reset Endpoint

Valve Commands (Water ERT Modules)

Enable Rightsizing

View Rightsizing Data

View Event Log

Extract Interval Data

View Secure Cmd Log

GeoMode Commands

Switch to OW Riva Network See also Changing Leak Sensor Power Port Level (100W+).

Itron Cellular 500W Module (operating in Mobile mode)

Read Endpoint

Check Endpoint

Check Cellular Parameters in mobile mode

Program Endpoint

Change Mode

Factory Ship Mode

Valve Commands (Water ERT Modules)

Reset Endpoint

Extract Interval Data

Switch to Network

Gen5 500W ERT Module (operating in Mobile mode)

Read Endpoint

Check Endpoint

Program Endpoint

Change Mode

Factory Ship Mode

Valve Commands (Water ERT Modules)

Reset Endpoint

Extract Interval Data

View Secure Cmd Log

Switch to Network

Close Session



CENTRON R450 Advanced/Bridge (operating in Mobile mode)

Read Endpoint

Check Endpoint

Service Switch Commands

View Demand Log

View Secure Cmd Log

Get Switchover Status




Read Endpoint

Check Endpoint

Program Endpoint

Change Mode

Factory Ship Mode

Reset Endpoint

Network Coverage

View Event Log

Extract Interval Data



Check Endpoint

Program Endpoint

Change Mode

Factory Ship Mode

Reset Endpoint

Valve Commands (100T-GGRD)

Network Coverage

View Secure Cmd Log


Read Endpoint

Check Endpoint

Program Endpoint

Program With GDT (100G DLS and 100T-HON)

Change Mode

Factory Ship Mode

Reset Endpoint

Network Coverage

Extract Interval Data

View Secure Cmd Log