Check Cellular Parameters in mobile mode

For cellular devices, Itron Cellular 500G and 500W Modules in mobile mode, use this feature to view the cellular parameters.



Access Point Name

The name of the gateway between this cellular module and the public internet.

Battery Utilization Threshold

To conserve battery life, the device monitors battery usage during all modem activity and stops the transmission if thresholds are exceeded. The device puts the modem into hibernate mode until the next backoff time period is reached.

Threshold 1 for network registration.

Threshold 2 for all other modem activity.

Each time these thresholds stop transmission, the device logs an event (6000, Event Detail 0 for normal and 2 for network registration)

Carrier Configuration Operator ID

The ID value of the carrier operator for the network to attach to.

Carrier Configuration PDP Type

Packet Data Protocol (PDP) is a data structure that allows the device to transmit. IPv4 or IPv6.

Radio Access Technology

To conserve battery life, clients set the Radio Access Technology to prevent the modem from searching for the cellular carrier network.

Band Bitmap

To conserve battery life, clients set the Band Bitmap to prevent the modem from searching for the cellular carrier network.

Cellular Data Context

This numeric value represents the context of the data to the cellular carrier.

Cellular Minimum Technology

The minimum supported technology for the cellular carrier.

Head End IP Address

The IP address of the head end system where data is sent.

Out Of Coverage Network Scan Configuration Scheme

The Network Scan Configuration object is used to configure the back-off policy for network scanning during poor signal coverage conditions.

Determines whether to use a Linear or Exponential backoff scheme.

Out Of Coverage Network Scan Configuration Min Backoff

Minimum interval in seconds between scans.

Out Of Coverage Network Scan Configuration Max Backoff

Maximum interval in seconds between scans.

Out Of Coverage Network Scan Configuration Step

Interval incrementation in seconds between scans for linear mode.

Initial Network Scan Configuration Scheme

The Network Scan Configuration object is used to configure the back-off policy for network scanning during poor signal coverage conditions.

Determines whether to use a Linear or Exponential backoff scheme.

Initial Network Scan Configuration Min Backoff

Minimum interval in seconds between scans.

Initial Network Scan Configuration Max Backoff

Maximum interval in seconds between scans.

Initial Network Scan Configuration Step

Interval incrementation in seconds between scans for linear mode.

Signal Quality RSRQ Threshold
Gas module only

Indicates quality of the received signal.

Signal Quality SINR Threshold
Gas module only

Threshold = 1/10 dB. Indicates whether the transmission should be attempted.

Signal Quality Threshold
Water module only

Indicates whether the transmission should be attempted.

Cellular Operating Mode

To help extend battery life, the device is configured with one of the following modes:

PSM (Power Saving Mode) prioritizes longer battery life over frequent interaction and data flow.

eDRX (Extended Discontinuous Reception) prioritizes frequent interaction and data flow over battery life.

Programmed Meter Configuration

The meter's current programmed meter configuration. The field name is a hyperlink that opens the meter configuration log. Check the values in the log to audit the FSR who installed the module.

In addition to the fields described above, the meter configuration log provides:

  • FDM User. The ID of the person who installed the module.
  • Meter Configuration. Details about the gas or water meter this module is associated with.

For 500G modules, a Program Endpoint window opens so you can enter the number of dials/billing units. The Check Endpoint operation uses the information to format the reading.