Read Any

Tip: Start a Read Any command from the Field Tools main menu in the top-left of the app, unlike all other commands that are listed in the meter or ERT's Task Menu.

The Read Any command lets you get meter reading and tamper information from multiple endpoints within range of your mobile device’s radio. You can receive data from all ERTs and meters in range that meet the market type (gas, water, or all) and wake-up tone you specify. When ERTs and meters operating in network mode respond to the Read Any command, it is only with the Endpoint ID and device type; the Reading field is populated with the word Network, and doesn't include the meter reading.

Field Tools lists all the ERTs and meters that meet the specified criteria and respond to its request for data. For some meters and ERT types, you can view the read response information for individual endpoints by selecting them from the list. If you want to collect a meter reading for one of the ERTs or meters in network mode which responded to Read Any, tap Network in the row for the ERT or meter.

Note: Opting to obtain the meter reading for an ERT or meter in network mode from within the Endpoint Reads list requires you to exit Read Any. Field Tools displays a confirmation window, asking if you want to exit the Read Any operation. If you select Yes, Field Tools closes Read Any and opens the Read command for your device type. As with any ERT or meter in network mode, you must have the required security material to perform the command (see Request commands for more information).

The Endpoint Reads list is filterable and sortable. For more information, expand Filtering and Sorting the Endpoint Reads List, below.

Using Read Any prompts you for inputs. Expand All Device Types, below, for the Read Any input details. For descriptions of the results, see Result and success fields. To watch a short demo of the Read Any command, see Understand workflows.

You must have Read Endpoints permission to perform this function.