Understand workflows
When you log onto the app, it opens the Endpoints selection menu, from which you select the meter/ERT module type you want to work with. The endpoint types on this menu are ones that are configured for use in your business unit: that is, your utility company, department, or other organizational unit. When you select a meter or ERT type, the app displays a task menu listing action commands. Each task starts a standard workflow supported by that endpoint type.
The standard Field Tools workflow guides you through the process of completing a task. After you select the ERT or meter you're working with and the task you want to perform, the workflow screens prompt you to enter the necessary information and perform the required actions for the task at hand.
Workflows—and the screens that guide you through them—have slight differences depending on the ERT or meter type and the command (for example, read or program) you are performing.
This is a sample workflow, intended to demonstrate what a workflow is like.
The Read Any workflow is different from most workflows, in that you access the Read Any command from the app menu.
If a workflow requests information that you're unfamiliar with, see the command and ERT or meter type you're performing within the section Supported meters and ERTs
If a workflow's results or success screen reports information that you are unfamiliar with, see Result and success fields for descriptions of each field.