Test Mode Operations

Advanced Feature: The feature discussed in this section requires an advanced subscription. For more information, see Basic and Advanced Features.

Test Mode Operations are designed for use with a prover station for the purpose of testing and ensuring metering accuracy on all Intelis Gas Meters.

These meters are calibrated at the Itron manufacturing facility before shipment. However, if it is necessary to recalibrate a meter, you can do so using the Test Mode Operations menu of commands. When you select this option from the device's Tools menu, FDM displays a Test Mode Operations menu.

Before you use the Test Mode Operations commands, review and understand Intelis Gas Meter Test Mode Operations and Recalibration. This appendix provides details about testing the meter, determining if calibration adjustments are needed, and adjusting the meter's calibration.

Note:  Not all Test Mode Operations commands require the same permissions. Additionally, the same Test Mode Operations commands may require different permissions for meters operating in Network mode than for meters operating in Mobile mode.

The menu options include:

Configure Test Mode. Use the Configure Test Mode command to view the existing programmed pulse weight, pulse width, and the maximum length of time the meter remains in test mode before automatically exiting (Max Time). Using this command, you may also define new values for pulse weight, pulse width, and max time. If the meter is already in test mode, the Configure Test Mode command is not available on the Test Mode Operations menu.

You must have Metrology Regulatory Operations permissions to perform Configure Test Mode.

Note: You cannot configure test mode for Intelis Gas OW Riva Gas Meters that are currently in test mode.

Test Mode Register. With the prover station connected to the meter, perform the Test Mode Register command to determine the meter's accuracy. The test mode results are displayed on the prover station. For a meter in Mobile (ChoiceConnect) mode, you must have Metrology Regulatory Operations permission to perform this command. The test mode results are displayed on the prover station.

Exit Test Mode. Use Exit Test Mode to remove the meter from test mode after you have tested the meter's accuracy by successfully performing the Test Mode Register. You must have Metrology Regulatory Operations permissions to perform Exit Test Mode.

Adjust Calibration. See Intelis Gas Meter Test Mode Operations and Recalibration.

Use the Adjust Calibration command to recalibrate the meter. The adjustment you make to the calibration depend on the prover station test results that were obtained during the Test Mode Register command. Before you can perform the Adjust Calibration command, you must run the meter on a prover station to determine the meter's accuracy. During the Adjust Calibration command, you must enter values from the meter's test result. The workflow uses the entered values to calculate the required calibration parameter.

Note:  FDM does not allow you to perform the Adjust Calibration command while the meter is operating in Test Mode. Exit Test Mode before starting the Adjust Calibration command.

The Adjust Calibration command unseals the meter as part of the workflow. The meter can take up to 45 seconds to complete the calibration. After you complete the Adjust Calibration command, you must use the separate Seal Meter command to re-seal the meter.

You must have Calibration permissions to perform the Adjust Calibration command.

Seal Meter. Use the Seal Meter command to re-seal (lock) the meter after testing and recalibration are complete. You must have Calibration permissions to perform the Seal Meter command.

Get Seal State. Use the Get Seal State command to obtain the meter's current seal state (Seal or Unseal). This command is useful for confirming that you have successfully re-sealed the meter after adjusting its calibration and performing the Seal Meter command. The Intelis Gas Meter's LCD displays a lock icon ("") to indicate that the meter is in a sealed state. For a meter in Mobile (ChoiceConnect) mode, you must have Metrology Regulatory Operations permission to perform this command. For a meter in Network (OpenWay Riva) mode, you must have Metrology Regulatory Operations permissions and Check Endpoints permissions.

View Calibration Values. The View Calibration Values command is available only for the Gen5 Intelis Gas Meter and Intelis Gas Meter. Use View Calibration Values to retrieve and view the meter’s currently calibrated values. This command—and the ability to retrieve the meter’s current calibration values—is made available in compliance with Measurement Canada requirements. Completion of the command logs the calibration values as four new configuration events in the legally relevant log of events. For more information, see the following appendices:

For a meter in Mobile (ChoiceConnect) mode, you must have Metrology Regulatory Operations permission to perform this command. For a meter in Network (OpenWay Riva) mode, you must have Metrology Regulatory Operations permissions and Check Endpoints permissions.