Intelis Gas OW Riva Meter Events

Note:  Intelis 250 and 425 Gas Meters are shown as "Intelis Gas OW Riva" in the FDM Tools user interface.

Event Code, Name, and Description

2 – Register Error: No communication with register. This corresponds to the "Loss of Meter Communication" tamper bit in Mobile mode which could indicate the index has been removed from the meter.

5 – Magnetic detected: The ERT has detected an external magnetic field.

6 – Low battery: The ERT has a low battery warning. 10% of battery life remains.

9 – Reverse flow detected: The ERT has detected reverse flow.

10 – Reverse flow end: The ERT has detected the end of reverse flow after having reported reverse flow.

14 – Valve OK: The ERT detects that a remote disconnect valve is attached and it is working properly (triggered when state was previously unknown or previously not working properly).

15 – Valve No Comms: The ERT detects that a disconnect valve is attached but it is not working properly.

22 – Extended High Flow End: The ERT detects that consumption has exceeded the high flow threshold.

23 – Extended High Flow Detected: The ERT detects that consumption has dropped below the high flow threshold after having been in a high flow state.

24 – High Temperature Detected: The device detects that the ambient temperature, not the gas temperature (CurrentAmbientTemperature OBIS, has exceeded the high temperature threshold.

25 – High temperature end: The device detects that the temperature has dropped below the high temperature threshold after having been in a high temperature state.

26 – Air in pipe detected: The device detects air in the meter, possibly due to the meter being removed from the installation.

27 – Air in pipe end: The device no longer detects air in the meter.

28 – Micro encoder reset: Device has detected that the Encoder Micro has reset unexpectedly; the device should be replaced.

31 – High Pressure Detected: The device has detected that the gauge gas pressure has exceeded the high pressure threshold. This item is only available for meters with the pressure sensing feature.

32 – High Pressure End: Device detects the gauge gas pressure has dropped below the high pressure threshold after having been in a High Pressure detected state. This item is only available for meters with the pressure sensing feature.

33 – Low Pressure Detected: Device detects the gauge gas pressure has fallen below the low pressure threshold. This item is only available for meters with the pressure sensing feature.

34 – Low Pressure End: Device detects the gauge gas pressure has risen above the low pressure threshold after having been in a Low Pressure detected state. This item is only available for meters with the pressure sensing feature.

35 – Pressure Tamper Detected: The device detects that the gauge gas pressure has exceeded the pressure tamper threshold. This item is only available for meters with the pressure sensing feature.

36 – Pressure Tamper End: The device detects that the gauge gas pressure has dropped below the pressure tamper threshold after having been in a Pressure Tamper detected state. This item is only available for meters with the pressure sensing feature.

500 – Critical Error (internal): The client has requested a Right sizing operation in the ERT. Right sizing operations are not supported when the device is operating in Network mode. However, if the device is operating in Mobile (100S) mode, and right sizing is started, this event is logged in the COSEM event log.

504 – Flash Data Error: A flash error has been detected.

505 – Meter Quiet Mode Exit: This event occurs when the ERT first receives pulses or when it detects consumption and wakes from Meter Quiet Mode which is a sub-mode of Factory Ship Mode. If the device wakes from Factory Ship Mode (not Meter Quiet Mode), this event is not logged.

506 – Entering Network Mode: The device has been changed to Network mode.

507 – Battery Parameters Set: Any change to the BatteryUseParameters structure results in this event.

509 – Key Update Succeeded: The key has been updated in the device.

511 – Load Profile Cleared: The Load Profile object has been cleared. The following list describes the specific causes of this event.

  • Transitioning from 100S (Run, Factory, Quiet) to IoT mode, or from IoT to 100S mode.

  • (IoT mode only) Setting the interval size to a new value.

  • Setting count rate, initial index, PCOMP, Rollover, EncoderDrivertype (100S or COSEM) to a new value.

  • (IoT mode only) Manual time set (for example, not through network slewing).

512 – Manual Time Sync: The time has been changed manually. This event is also logged the first time the device joins a network (the first time startup followed by the first time it receives network time).

514 – Legally Relevant Event Log Nearly Full: This event occurs when the Legally Relevant Event Log is at 90% of total capacity.

515 – Time Outside Automatic Sync Threshold:The time change is greater than the warning level threshold. This event is the initial detection of the time change exceeding the warning level threshold.

516 – Time Outside Automatic Sync Threshold Ended: The time change is greater than the warning level threshold. This event occurs when the time change is no longer greater than the warning level threshold.

517 – Entering 100S Mode: The device has been changed from Network mode to 100S mode.

518 – Entering Prover Mode: The device has entered Prover mode.

519 – Exiting Prover Mode: The device has exited Prover mode. This event is only logged if the device was in Prover mode and then exits Prover mode. It is not logged every time ProverModeScripts Script 2 "Exit Prover Mode" is executed.

520 – Flow While Disconnected Detected: The valve is in a disconnected state but the device has detected flow.

This event occurs with event 538: Flow While Disconnected End.

When in ChoiceConnect mobile mode, while this event is active the device reports “Valve State Unknown.”

When in Network mode, while this event is active the device reports its Disconnect Control State as either UNKNOWN or OVERRIDDEN_UNKNOWN. The Output State remains False/Disconnected.

When the state is UNKNOWN or OVERRIDDEN_UNKNOWN, the valve can still be armed for connection. Doing so reports ArmComplete (not failed) but the state remains unknown. The state changes to armed if the FlowWhileDisconnectedEnd (event 538) is raised. Further, if armed while in an unknown state, the valve can be opened by pushing the button. The state changes to connected after successfully opened.

521 – Button Press/LCD On: The device push button has been depressed causing the LCD to turn on. This event is logged once each time the LCD is turned on. Subsequent button pushes while LCD is still on will not result in additional events being logged.

522 – Flow Sensor Hard Failure: The device has detected that its flow sensor has failed. This is an unrecoverable error. Corresponds to UMU error 08 "UMU Hard Error." The meter (including the UMU) must be replaced.

523 – Flow Measurement Outside Physical Range Detected: The device has detected that the flow is outside the physical range of the measurement sensor. Corresponds to UMU error 01 "High Flow Error" and 02 "Low Flow Error."

524 – Flow Measurement Outside Physical Range End: The device has detected that the flow has returned inside the physical range of the measurement sensor after having been outside the range.

526 – Gas Temperature Outside Sensor Range Detected: The device has detected that the gas temperature is outside the range of the temperature sensor. Corresponds to UMU error 06 “UMU Measurement Error." The meter (including the UMU) must be replaced.

527 – Gas Temperature Outside Sensor Range End: The device has detected that the gas temperature has returned inside the range of the temperature sensor after having been outside the range.

528 – Flow Sensor Measurement Error: The device has detected that a Flow Sensor Measurement Error has occurred.Corresponds to UMU error 06 "UMU Measurement Error." The meter must be replaced.

529 – Transducer Error: The device has detected that its ultrasonic transducers have an issue which is reflected by an abnormal gain or an abnormal Tup/Tdown (the time required by the ultrasonic signal from the emitter to the receiver). This is an unrecoverable error.

531 – EFC State Changed: The EFCState ( current_state (attribute 2) control_state, EFC_role, or the device's parent in the neighbor_MAC_address array has changed.

532 – Configuration Operation Failed Legally Relevant Event Log Full: This event triggers when a configuration change requiring legally relevant logging is requested and fails due to the legally relevant log being full.

535 – UMU Unexpected CRC Detected: The Intelis Gas Meter index has detected an unexpected UMU CRC. This may occur when the UMU fails to calculate its CRC at boot. The error is usually resolved by causing a reset of the UMU.

536 – UMU Unexpected CRC End: The UMU CRC has returned to an expected value after an unexpected value had been detected.

537 – Gas Pressure Sensor Failure: The device has detected that its gas pressure sensor has encountered an unrecoverable failure. This event can only be triggered by meters with pressure sensing.

538 – Flow While Disconnected End: With the valve assumed to be in a Closed state, the meter no longer detects flow after having detected flow and triggering event 520 Flow While Disconnected Detected.

543 – Barometric/Atmospheric Pressure Sensor Failure: The sensor that detects atmospheric pressure has stopped working.

3000 – Device Reconfigured: The HES configuration has changed in the device.

3001 – Event Log Cleared: The Itron Event Log has been reset.

3002 – DST Periods Exhausted: The DST calendar has reached its end and a new DST calendar should be downloaded. This event should be logged when the daylight_savings_start date in the last element of the transitions array in the DaylightSavingsTransitions object is reached. The firmware only checks for the end of the DST table a few times a day so this event may be delayed for several hours after the last date in the array is reached.

3003 – Configuration Downloaded: A new HES configuration has been downloaded.

3004 – System Reboot: Watchdog error. Reboot.

3005 – System Restart: Planned restart of ERT. For example, after a firmware download.

3006 – Improper Installation Detected: The ERT could not adopt configuration information.

3007 – Service Disconnect Succeeded: A disconnect event was received and has completed.

3008 – Service Disconnect Failed: The disconnect was received but failed to execute. The event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object.

3009 – Arm Completed: ARM (for reconnect) ws received and has completed. The event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object.

3010. Arm Failed. ARM (for reconnect) was received but failed to execute. Event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object..

3011 – Service Connect Succeeded: Reconnect was received and has completed. The event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object.

3012 – Service Connect Failed: Reconnect was received but failed to execute. Event detail will contain the verbose_result attribute of the DisconnectControl object.

3015 – Decryption or Authentication Failure: Application level security failure. Regardless of whether the event is logged, when this event occurs due to the particular reason codes and the message that caused it was sent using the Collection Engine client (10), it will cause an application security notification (OBIS push. See the Authorization Error Reason Codes table for identification of which codes cause a push.

3016 – Access Control Failed: Application level security failure - access control.

3017 – Key Rollover Succeeded: Key rollover command received.

3018 – Signing Key Update Success: Application level security failure - certificate.

3019 – Takeover Package Accepted: A Takeover Package was presented and accepted by the ERT.

3020 – Takeover Package Rejected: A Takeover Package was presented, but rejected by the ERT.

3021 – Replay Attack Detected: Application level security failure - replay.

3022 – RMA Signed Authorization Received: A Signed Authorization with issued-to "Itron-RMA" has been received.

3024 – Valve Life Nearing Maximum: The valve actuation threshold has been exceeded.

3025 – Commissioning Completed: The OWGRD or Intelis Gas Meter valve commissioning process has occurred.

3026 – Decommissioning Completed: The OWGRD or Intelis Gas Meter valve decommissioning process has occurred.

3027 – Valve Operation Override: An override operation has occurred for this valve.

3028 – AutoDisconnect Initiated: An auto disconnect occurred in the device.

3031 – Prover Mode Maximum Time Configuration Changed: A change has been made to the ProverModeConfiguration (OBIS

3032 – High Flow Sampling Configuration Changed: A change has been made to the HighFlowSamplingConfiguration (OBIS

3033 – High Temperature Configuration Changed: A change has been made to the HighTemperatureEventConfiguration (OBIS

3034 – High Flow Disconnect Enable Changed: The HighFlowDisconnectEnable (OBIS configuration has changed.

.3035 – High Temperature Disconnect Enable Changed: The high temperature automatic disconnect configuration has changed. HighTemperatureDisconnectEnable (OBIS

3037 – Prover Mode Pulse Width Configuration Changed: A change has been made to the ProverModeConfiguration (OBIS

3038 – Prover Mode Pulse Weight Configuration Changed: A change has been made to the ProverModeConfiguration (OBIS

3039 – DHCP Address Index Changed: A change has been made to one of the DHCP address indexes. (OBIS or

3040 – High Flow Threshold Configuration Changed: A change was made to the HighFlowEventConfiguration.

3041 – High Pressure Disconnect Enable Changed: The HighPressureDisconnectEnable (OBIS configuration has changed.

3042 – Low Pressure Disconnect Enable Changed: The LowPressureDisconnectEnable (OBIS configuration has changed.

3043 – Factory High Flow Disconnect Enable Changed: The FactoryHighFlowDisconnectEnable (OBIS configuration has changed.

3044 – High Pressure Threshold Changed: A change has been made to the HighPressureEventConfiguration (OBIS high_pressure_threshold.

3045 – Low Pressure Threshold Changed: A change has been made to the LowPressureEventConfiguration (OBIS low_pressure_threshold.

3046 – Tamper Pressure Threshold Changed: A change has been made to the PressureTamperEventConfiguration (OBIS pressure_tamper_threshold.

10000 – PCOMP Changed: Metrology parameter pressure compensation (PCOMP) changed.

10002 – Rollover Count Changed: Metrology parameter Rollover Count changed.

10006 – Initial Index: Metrology parameter Initial Index changed.

10007 – Image Transfer Initiated: Self-descriptive.

10008 – Image Transfer Canceled: Self-descriptive.

10009 – Image Transfer Cancel Failed: Self-descriptive.

10010 – Image Verification Initiated: Self-descriptive.

10011 – Image Verification Successful: Self-descriptive.

10012 – Image Verification Failed: Self-descriptive.

10013 – Image Activation Initiated: Self-descriptive.

10014 – Image Activation Successful: Self-descriptive.

10015 – Image Activation Failed: Self-descriptive.

10019 – Load Profile Interval Changed: A change has been made to the CompressedLoadProfile object (OBIS A. capture_period (attribute 7).

10022 – Meter Calibrated: The meter has performed a calibration operation but there were no changes to the calibration values. This event should be added to the log when the calibration is complete.

10023 – Flow Sensor Configuration Changed: The device has detected that the configuration of the flow sensor has been changed.

10024 – Meter Sealed: The meter has been sealed. SealMeter ( and 100S message 238.

10025 – Meter Unsealed: The meter has been unsealed. UnsealMeter ( and 100S message 239.

10026 – Potential Index Corruption Detected: The device has detected that its index values may have become corrupted. The device should be replaced. This event is not logged if the meter is unsealed as the meter sealing is what protects the meter calibration that affects the index. When the meter is unsealed, the calibration activity is likely taking place which could take the appearance of index corruption.

10027 – Meter Calibrated - A2 Value: A change has been made to the UMUCalibrationValues ‘A2’ value. This event should be added to the log when the calibration is complete.

10028 – Meter Calibrated - B1 Value: A change has been made to the UMUCalibrationValues ‘B1’ value. This event should be added to the log when the calibration is complete.

10029 – Meter Calibrated - B2 Value: A change has been made to the UMUCalibrationValues ‘B2’ value. This event should be added to the log when the calibration is complete.

10030 – Meter Calibrated - B3 Value: A change has been made to the UMUCalibrationValues ‘B3’ value. This event should be added to the log when the calibration is complete.

10031 – Display Units Changed: A change has been made to the DisplayUnits object (

10032 – Digits Right Changed: A change has been made to the DigitsRight object (