Linking a user to a tenant

  1. Navigate to Administration > Tenant > Users.

  2. Select the check boxes for one or more users to link to the current tenant.

    Tip: To locate a user in the list, click Search () in the page header, enter all or part of a username, and press Enter or click Search () again. The results appear in the list. To clear the results, click the X in the search box.

  3. In the page header, click Actions () and then select Link users.

  4. From the Domain dropdown menu, select a domain.

  5. Enter a Username and then press the space bar to validate and highlight the new name.

    Note: The username will automatically append the selected domain name. Enter only the user identity that appears before the @ symbol.

  6. For a hosted user, enter values for the following fields:

    • First name

    • Last name

    • Email address (optional)

    • Mobile phone number (optional)

  7. Click Link. The new user appears in the list (for example, To edit the user or add a mobile phone number or email address, click the username to navigate to the user's Properties tab. For details, see Editing a user.

Tip: Alternatively, you can import multiple users. Click Browse and select a prepared .csv file from a local drive. The format is username,firstname,lastname,phone,email. The phone and email fields are optional, but you must still include the commas. For example, a user record with an email address but no mobile phone number uses the following format: username,firstname,lastname,,email. The application will attempt to validate the imported users against the selected domain. Only successfully validated users can be linked to the tenant.