Editing a user
Navigate to Administration > Tenant > Users. Locate the user account that you want to edit.
Tip: To locate a user in the list, click Search () in the page header, enter all or part of a username, and press Enter or click Search () again. The results appear in the list. To clear the results, click the X in the search box.
Click the desired Username. You are taken to the Properties tab for this user.
Note: For non-hosted users, the Mobile phone number and Email address may be synced with the company's Azure Active Directory. In this case, an annotation, (synced), appears next to these values on the Properties tab.
Click the Edit properties icon () near the bottom of the page.
In the dialog, you can edit the following user properties for a user who has never logged on:
First name
Last name
Mobile phone number
Email address
For a hosted user who has logged on, you can edit only the following user properties:
Mobile phone number
Email address
For a non-hosted user who has logged on, you can edit only the following user properties:
Manual mobile phone number
Manual email address
Note: Synced mobile phone numbers and email addresses cannot be edited.
Click Save. The updated information appears on the Properties tab.
Important! If you have edited the Manual mobile phone number or Manual email address for a non-hosted user, an annotation, (overridden), appears next to these values on the Properties tab. If you edit the user again and remove the newly edited Manual Mobile phone number or Manual Email address, the synced value is restored and the (synced) annotation reappears next to these values on the Properties tab.