Linking an existing domain and AAD admin to a tenant

Use the following procedure to add an existing customer domain to the current tenant, peer the customer's Azure Active Directory (AAD) with the current tenant, and add an existing AAD admin user from that domain to the current tenant:

  1. Add the customer's domain to the tenant:

    1. Navigate to Administration > Tenant > Properties.

    2. Click the Edit icon () near the bottom of the page. The tenant wizard appears.

    3. Click Next until you reach the Authentication properties. In the Domains field, enter the customer domain to add to the tenant (for example,

      Note: If you need to edit other properties for this tenant, refer to Editing tenant properties.

    4. Click Review and then click Update. The new domain has been added to the tenant.

  2. Contact one of the customer's AAD administrator users and request the User Principal Name (UPN) of the admin you wish to add to the tenant.

  3. Add the new admin user to the tenant:

    1. Navigate to Environment > Tenants.

    2. Locate the tenant you wish to edit and click the tenant name.

      Tip: To locate a tenant in the list, click Search () in the page header, enter all or part of a tenant name, and press Enter or click Search () again. The results appear in the list. To clear the results, click the X in the search box.

    3. Select the Users tab.

    4. Click the Actions menu icon () in the page header and select Link users.

    5. In the dialog, select the domain from the Domain dropdown. With New users selected, enter the AAD administrator's UPN in the Username field (for example, john.doe).

  4. Grant the Tenant Admin role to the new admin. See Granting tenant access to other users.

  5. Contact the customer's AAD administrator user (see step 2) and request consent for the new domain on behalf of their organization.

    Note: Refer to Enabling authentication in the AAD Integration online help system.