Changing Leak Sensor Power Port Level (100W+)

  1. From the Tools menu, select 100W.
  2. Outside of FDM, connect the OLS leak sensor to a 100W+ endpoint.
  3. In FDM, enter the Endpoint ID of the 100W+ endpoint.
  4. Select the Endpoint Mode.
    • Auto Detect
    • Mobile
    • Riva
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select Check Endpoint.
  7. Select Check Endpoint Status. The Check Endpoint or FWDL Status Results screen appears. SeeIntelis Gas Meter in Mobile Mode Check Endpoint Response Fields for more information.
  8. Verify that the Security State is Ready to Secure.
  9. Click Quit or Finish to return to the Tools screen.
  10. Enter the Endpoint ID.
  11. Select Quit or Finish to return to the Tools screen.