Logging on to FDM

Handhelds must be connected to AC power during synchronization or installation of the mobile software to insure the success of radio firmware updates. Your connection to the FDM server must be a high-speed Internet connection. FDM does not support dial-up connections.

  1. On the FDM logon window, enter your user name (also called your user ID) and password.

  2. After you have entered your user name and password, select OK.

    Note:  If the user name or password you enter are invalid, FDM displays Invalid user name or password and waits for you to try again. If you try and fail several times to log on to the mobile application, FDM may display an Invalid login attempts exceeded message and lock you out of the application. See If you get locked out of FDM…

  3. The FDM mobile application tries to communicate with the FDM server through your Internet connection.

    If the communication attempt is successful, the system runs a synchronization procedure. During synchronization, the server performs routine maintenance tasks, which include updating the FDM endpoint and meter configuration information and upgrading the FDM mobile application, when necessary (see also Synchronizing the Mobile Application with the Server).

    Note:  If FDM’s device command log function is enabled (see “Downloading Mobile Device Command Logs” in the Field Deployment Manager Server Client Guide, you must periodically synchronize your mobile device so it can upload and clear the log. FDM determines the maximum log file size based on the total space available on the device’s flash card or hard drive. The longer you wait before synchronization, the more space the log takes up and the less space is available for other functions. As the log file approaches its maximum permitted size, FDM starts displaying reminders at logon that the limit is near. When you reach the limit, FDM does not let you log on without connecting to the server so it can run the synchronization process.

    If the communication attempt is not successful—for example, if your mobile device cannot connect to the server—no synchronization takes place. Instead, the device runs the currently installed version of the FDM application, using the current endpoint and meter configuration information.

    In either case, the system opens the mobile application.