Editing persona assignments for multiple users

  1. Navigate to Administration > Environment > Tenants.

  2. Locate the tenant and click the tenant's name.

    Tip: To locate a tenant in the list, click Search () in the page header, enter all or part of a tenant name, and press Enter or click Search () again. The results appear in the list. To clear the results, click the X in the search box.

  3. Select the Users tab.

  4. Select the check boxes for all users to include in your edits.

  5. In the page header, click Actions () and then select Edit authorizations.

  6. A dialog appears, displaying available and selected personas by application. Select the personas to enable for the selected users. Deselect any authorizations that you wish to disable.

    Note: Each check box represents one of three states: cleared (empty), selected (checked), or blended (horizontal line). A blended state indicates that at least one of the selected users—but not all selected users—has authorization. Clicking a blended check box will change its state to selected (all selected users have authorization); clicking it again will change the state to cleared (no selected users have authorization).

  7. Click Save. Persona assignments appear on each tenant user's Authorizations tab.