Creating CSI custom field mapping groups

  1. Go to Collection System Integration > Administration > CSI Custom Field Mappings.

  2. Under Format Type, select the format of the source data. Use the dropdown menu to select one of the following:

    • Itron Integrator

    • Itron MVRS

    • Itron Premier Plus 4

  3. Under Mapping Group, select Default.

  4. In the Mapping Fields section, the Current Fields list identifies the items to be included in the mapping. Use the < and > buttons to move items from the Available Fields list to the Current Fields list.

  5. Click each item in the Current Fields list to define the custom mapping by completing the Field Data section.

  6. Under Field Data, set the following parameters:

    • Source Record. Select the record type of the source import file.

    • Source Record Field. Select the field that you want to map.

    • Enable Field. Select True to enable custom mapping for this field and locate the field ID in the source record based on the start position selected below. Select False to disable custom mapping for the field.

      If you select True to enable custom mapping for the field, enter the Start Position to indicate the first character of the field, offset from 0 (zero), and enter the Length of the field.

  7. After you define custom mapping for each item in the Current Fields list as described in step 4, click Add to create the custom field mapping group.

    The Add Group dialog appears.

  8. Enter the name of the CSI custom field mapping group.

  9. Click Save.