Meter Data Management (MDM)

Use the IEE Meter Data Management (MDM) application for the end-to-end management of meters for both Commercial and Industrial (C&I) customers and Mass Market Refers to customers for which minimal consumption data is measured and recorded. Examples include residential customers and smaller businesses. customers. You can configure, maintain, query, and manipulate all meter-related object data that is stored in the IEE database. IEE can request and receive meter readings from multiple meter reading sources and obtain extracts and operational reports of this data.

For the C&I market, MDM manages complex interval metering and the interval and register data collected from the meters. MDM incorporates the processes necessary to manage C&I load data, such as remote interrogation, data validation, data editing and estimation, and others. The overall MDM process includes customer and meter configuration, setup for daily processing, and various manual and automated tasks.

For the Mass market, the MDM application manages residential meter reading through handheld, mobile ClosedAutomated Meter Reading (AMR), and fixed network AMR CSI administration, and provides an interface to billing systems.

The collection of utility meter data through the use of ERT modules that are connected to the meters, eliminating the need for field service representatives to physically inspect and read the meters. Additionally, ERT modules monitor and record related information such as meter tampering data.