Task template parameters

Some or all of the following parameters display in the Task Template and Task Scheduler windows. The available parameters depend upon the type of task selected.

Common Task Template Parameters

ClosedRequested Server

Defines the server to use to process the task. Select First Available if it does not matter which server processes the task.

ClosedRequested Start Date

Defines the date and time (hh:mm) to begin processing the task. Click the dropdown arrow to open a calendar.


Defines the task priority (0-99). IEE processes tasks in order of priority. The lower the number, the higher the task priority. Servers process tasks with higher priority (such as 15) before tasks with lower priority (such as 75). Administrators can configure task runners (IEE 6.x) and task services (IEE 7.x and later) to process only tasks with a particular minimum priority.


Describes the task template. Enter a unique description if you have added a new task template for the selected task type. Once saved, this description displays in the Task Template dropdown list. To run or modify this task template in the future, select the Task Type and then select this description from the dropdown list. You can create multiple task templates for each task type. It is possible to save multiple task templates with the same description, but Itron recommends using unique descriptions to make it easier to select the correct task template.

ClosedTask Significance

ClosedReschedule Properties

Allows you to set up a recurring schedule, or to reschedule a failed task to run on a define interval for a certain number of days until it succeeds.

ClosedRecurring Offset

ClosedDisable Data Check

Determines whether IEE performs validation, editing, and estimation (VEE) on data required by a task. If the value is True, the cycle ignores the data check and automatically schedules the task, regardless of data availability. Select False to run VEE on the data.

ClosedRegister Read Cycle (Days)

ClosedSchedule an Execution Window (Minutes)