Switch to Network Mode

Itron's meters and ERT modules that are multi-mode capable have the ability to communicate through more than one communication standard, or, mode. Use Switch to Network Mode to switch one of these devices from mobile mode to network mode.

Changing the ERT or meter's mode switches its communication protocol from SCM+ to a beacon. If you're not familiar with mobile mode and network mode, before you proceed with the mode switch, read Understand mobile mode and network mode. In most cases, these devices require signed authorizations and key command exchanges before you can use Field Tools to switch them between communication modes. It is possible to order the Gen5 500G ERT Module with an option to support Switch to Network Mode without signed authorization and key commands. In that case, the ERTs are shipped from the factory configured to allow the switch without secure commands.

If you're not familiar with meter and ERT security levels and key exchanges, you can find more information about that in Understand meter and ERT security levels

You must have Change Endpoint Personality permission to perform this function.

Caution: Switching an ERT or meter to network mode results in interval data loss.

Important! There is a limit of two communication mode switch commands allowed per ERT or meter before you must resync your Field Tools mobile device.

Important! Field Tools provides some–but not all–commands for network mode. Any network mode commands not yet supported in Field Tools may require FDM Tools to operate.

Switching a meter or ERT from mobile mode to network mode prompts you for inputs. The inputs vary by device. Expand the device type you're working with for its input details. For descriptions of the results, see Result and success fields.