Request commands
The Request Commands function is for use with meters and ERTs that are configured to run at some level of security–that is, to respond only to secure or signed commands issued by Itron Security Manager (ISM). For more information about security levels, see Understand meter and ERT security levels.
The Request Commands function lets you retrieve security material from the FDM Tools server for later use with secured devices. Clicking Request Commands opens a command retrieval screen, consisting of two tabs. In the Request tab, you enter the IDs and device types of the devices you plan to work with and retrieve commands. The Current Commands tab provides summary information about the commands you have available, and the devices for which those commands are meant. For more information about requesting commands and the Current Commands summary information, expand the sections below.
Your mobile device must be connected to the FDM Tools server for the mobile application to perform the Request Commands function. If your mobile device can establish an internet connection to the FDM Tools server, you can also open the Request Commands screen and retrieve security material while working in the field.
Tip: You must have an internet connection with the FDM Tools server to request commands. If you aren't sure that you will be able to connect to the internet while out in the field, perform Request Commands before going out in the field.
After you request commands, Field Tools retrieves the security material issued by ISM for each meter and ERT, as well as a list of the commands you have permission to perform. After you have retrieved this information from the server, you are ready to work with the secured meters and/or ERTs you listed in the command retrieval screen.
Important! You can successfully issue a secure command to a secured endpoint only once. After that, you cannot perform the command’s function again without first downloading another secure command from the server. If you attempt to send a secure command to a device after that command has already been successfully sent to that endpoint (for instance, by another FSR’s mobile device), the ERT or meter responds by sending the previously sent information, along with a message indicating that the command is a replay. In rare cases, the endpoint may erroneously indicate a replay.

You can request commands in one of two convenient ways. If you start work on a meter or ERT, and after you start a workflow, you can tap (Request Commands) in the upper right part of the screen. If you remember you need commands before you start working, from any screen you can tap the menu and select Request Commands. Whether you open Request Commands while you're in a workflow or not, requsting security materials from the FDM Tools server works almost the same way.
Open Request Commands, either by tapping
(Request Commands) during a workflow or by selecting
(Request Commands)
The Request Commands screen opens to the Request tab.
If you opened Request Commands from within a workflow, Field Tools prepopulates the fields with the device type you're working with and its endpoint ID.
- If you opened Request Commands from the menu, you must enter the device type and endpoint ID either manually or with the barcode scanner.
If the fields are prepopulated, skip to step 3. If the fields aren't prepopulated, then either:
Use the drop-down menu to select the device type you are working with (for example, OW Riva 500G ERT Module), and type the device's endpoint ID into the Endpoint ID field.
- Tap
(Scan) and scan the device's barcode near the endpoint id. For more information, see Scan barcodes.
Click Add Device.
Tip: If you're working with additional devices that will also require commands, you can continue adding those devices to the request, as described in steps 2 and 3, so you can collect all your commands at one time.
As you add your device(s), they are listed under Endpoints.
When you've added all the devices for which you need commands to the Endpoints list, tap Request Commands.
Field Tools requests commands for your list of devices. A Received Commands Successfully message appears on your screen, indicating you've received all the commands.
- If you opened Request Commands while you were working with a device, Field Tools closes Request Commands and returns you to your workflow, right where you left off.
- If you opened Request Commands from the menu, Field Tools closes Request Commands and returns you to the Endpoints selection menu.

The Current Commands tab lets you view summary information about the commands you already have.
Note: Scanning a device's barcode from this view adds the ERT or meter to the Endpoints list on the Request tab.
The endpoints listed under Commands are links you can click to view additional information about the commands you currently have for the device. The following table describes the fields on the Current Commands view and the endpoint details views.
Field |
Description |
Amount |
The number of commands you have for the command type that are available for the selected device. Important: In some cases, the number of commands you have might not accurately reflect the number of commands usable with Field Tools. Sometimes this number includes commands intended for use with FDM Tools for devices in network mode. For more information, expand Command Types, below. |
Command Type |
The type of command. For more information about command types, expand Command Types, below. |
Days Left |
The length of time, in days, that the meter or ERTs commands have before they expire and new commands must be issued. |
Endpoint |
Identifying information about the ERT or meter, in the format <endpointID>-<device type>. ...where <endpointID> is the ERT or meter's endpoint ID. and ...where <devicetype> is the ERT or meter's device type. |
Total Commands |
Important: In some cases, the number of total commands you have might not accurately reflect the number of commands usable with Field Tools. Sometimes this number includes commands intended for use with FDM Tools for devices in network mode. For more information, expand Command Types, below. |
Total Endpoints |
The total number of ERTs or meters for which you have available commands. Important: In some cases, the number of total commands you have might not accurately reflect the number of commands usable with Field Tools. Sometimes this number includes commands intended for use with FDM Tools for devices in network mode. For more information, expand Command Types, below. |

The following table describes the types of commands that are used with meters and ERTs configured to run at some level of security–that is, to respond only to secure or signed commands issued by Itron Security Manager (ISM).
Important! At present, Field Tools supports several multi-mode capable ERTs and meters, so long as they are operating in mobile mode. In some cases, it is possible that you will see device commands issued by ISM listed on the Current Commands tab that are intended for multi-mode capable devices operating in network mode. This can occur when part of your work is to use Field Tools to switch multi-mode capable devices out of mobile mode and into network mode (and you've been issued the security materials to do so). ISM has issued those network mode command types for the work that must continue on the ERT or meter using FDM Tools after the mode transition is complete. These commands are included in any fields that summarize counts of commands.
Note: Not all security commands are available for all device types.
This table lists only the command types used in workflows that Field Tools supports. It is possible to see other commands types which aren't listed here. Those commands are for use with FDM Tools. The command types are listed in alphabetical order, not in any order in which you might encounter them.
Security command type |
Description |
Intelis Gas Program Command |
Allows Field Tools to complete the Program workflow on an Intelis Gas Meter. |
Key Exchange Command |
Allows Field Tools to switch the ERT or meter's security level. |
Mode Transition |
Allows Field Tools to switch the meter or ERT communication mode from Mobile to Network. |
Open Session Command |
Allows Field Tools to interface with a secure ERT or meter. |