
Most modules require programming before they can record meter data with accuracy. When you program an ERT, you provide it with essential information about the meter, like the meter’s configuration, pressure compensation (PCOMP) value (gas meters), and current reading. This information synchronizes the ERT with the meter and gives it a base from which to calculate future reads.

Note: Depending on whether your meter or ERT is operating in mobile mode or network mode, some input requirements may differ. Input fields applicable for either only mobile mode or only network mode are indicated as such in the following tables.

You must have Program Endpoints permission to perform this function.

Programming prompts you for inputs. The inputs vary by device. Expand the device type you're working with for its input details. For descriptions of the results, see Result and success fields.

Programming Water ERTs

Depending on your utility, the Program command may or may not require you to select a meter configuration. The procedure varies according to the type of meter associated with the ERT you're programming.

  • When you program an ERT installed on a meter equipped with a pulser register, such as a Badger, Hersey ER, Precision, or AMCO Digital meter, Field Tools prompts you to enter the meter's current reading.

  • When you program an ERT installed on a meter equipped with an encoded register, such as an AMCO Scancoder, Schlumberger/Neptune, Hersey Translator, or Sensus meter, the ERT retrieves the meter reading automatically. In these cases, Field Tools does not prompt you for a meter reading.

  • When you program a 50W ERT, Field Tools prompts you to specify the meter's wake-up tone, which is necessary for programming.
