Extract Core Files


Advanced Feature: The feature or features discussed in this section require an advanced subscription. For more information, see Basic and advanced features.

Extract the meter or ERT's core and save it to a file. When the workflow completes, a confirmation message indicates the data was successfully captured to a file. Data extracted with the command isn't displayed to the FSR on the mobile device.

Only perform the The Extract Core Files command with Microsoft Windows laptop or tablet (running a version that meets Field Tools Minimum requirements) that is paired to the IMR with a USB cable. Neither Android nor Apple iOS devices, even those which meet Field Tools minimum requirements, are supported to perform this command.

Important! Before you run this command, ensure that the Microsoft Windows device screen lock setting is set to never lock, or to lock after longer than 45 minutes. The Extract Core Files command can take up to 45 minutes to complete. If the device's screen locks before the command completes, the operation will fail without an error message warning.