
The Decommission command turns off the meter index's ultrasonic measurement unit (UMU), so it stops measuring gas flow. Meters ship from manufacturing in the Commissioned state. The need to perform Decommission on a meter is fairly uncommon and limited to some return material authorization (RMA) conditions.

If the situation arises where a meter must be uninstalled and returned to Itron, or where a meter's index must be removed from its housing and replaced within the existing housing, you first use the Decommission command to decommission the index (and then another command to confirm its decommission), before dissembling or uninstalling the meter. In addition to turning off the UMU, decommissioning also causes the meter to:

  • Enter the UMU into a mode that protects it from corruption while index cables are disconnected.

  • Disable some tampers, logging, and other automatic actions.

  • Save the meter's Valve State (either Connected or Disconnected) in the UMU.

  • Report a decommission event to the event log.

After performing Decommission use the Read command to confirm that the decommission was successful. Field Tools responds with a failure to read message. This indicates the meter is successfully decommissioned.

You must have Check Endpoints permission to perform this function.

Commission prompts you for inputs. Expand the device type you're working with for its input details.