The Commission command turns on the meter index's ultrasonic measurement unit (UMU), so it starts measuring gas flow. Meters that ship from manufacturing are already in the Commissioned state, therefore, the need to perform the Commission command on a meter is fairly uncommon. However, there are specific conditions, such as some return material authorizations (RMA), which require it.
If the situation arises where a meter's index must be removed from its housing and replaced within the existing housing, you first use the Decommission command to decommission the index, and then another command to confirm its decommission before dissembling anything or continuing with an index removal.
After an index is successfully replaced in the meter housing, use the Commission command to turn on the meter index's UMU. Turning on the UMU also causes the meter to:
Enable tampers, logging, and other automatic actions that were disabled with the Decommission command.
Retrieve the meter's Valve State (either Connected or Disconnected) that was saved in the UMU with the Decommission command.
Report a commission event to the event log.
After performing Commission use the Check command to confirm that the commission was successful. In the Check results, confirm that the Commissioned field as a value reported as Yes.
You must have Check Endpoints permission to perform this function.
Commission prompts you for inputs. Expand the device type you're working with for its input details. For descriptions of the other Check results, see Result and success fields.

Field |
Description |
Endpoint ID | Type or scan the ID number of the device you are working with. This number is assigned to each device at the time of manufacture. It uniquely distinguishes the device from all others. |
Utility ID |
Use the field's drop-down menu to select the utility ID assigned to your utility. |

Field |
Description |
Endpoint ID | Type or scan the ID number of the device you are working with. This number is assigned to each device at the time of manufacture. It uniquely distinguishes the device from all others. |
Utility ID |
Use the field's drop-down menu to select the utility ID assigned to your utility. |