Close Session

Meters and ERTs operating in network mode require an open session for you to perform any command that involves modification of any of the ERT or meter's settings. All meters and ERTs have a configurable amount of time (between one minute and eight hours) after which the device automatically closes the open session.

The Close Session command lets you end an ERT or meter's ongoing open session immediately. You can close any open session, whether it was opened manually by performing an Open Session command, or automatically by Field Tools because a command you were performing required it.

For more information about network mode, see Understand mobile mode and network mode.

Important! For all Riva meters and ERTs that are operating in network mode: There is a limit of two signed authorizations (including those executed for opening a session) per ERT or meter before you must resync your mobile device with the FDM server.

The Close Session command appears on the menu only while an open session is in effect for the ERT or meter. You must have Program Endpoints permissions to perform this command.

Close Session prompts you for inputs. Expand the device type you're working with for its input details. For descriptions of the results, see Result and success fields.