Arm for Connection
Reconnect service to the Intelis Gas Meter or Gen5 Intelis Gas Meter. You must be on site to complete this command to press the meter's arm button to complete the process of opening the valve and reconnecting service. This option is available only if Field Tools has received a secure connect service command for the meter you are working with. It arms the meter (prepares the valve to be opened) then displays the meter's current service status. After the meter is armed, you can open the valve manually with a wrench designed for this purpose.
Note: For Intelis Gas Meters whose security state is Ready to Secure, attempting to request security materials for valve commands results in an error message. Intelis Gas Meters must be in a security state of Command Secure or Full Secure to acquire the necessary security materials. Contact your ISM administrator to elevate the meter security state. For more information, see Understand meter and ERT security levels.
Important! Understanding Intelis Gas Meter and Gen5 Intelis Gas Meter valve operations—circumstances in which you use them, significance of current valve status, and the caution you should take care to use—is required before performing any valve command. If you have not done so already, see Valve operations in the Intelis gas family of meters before proceeding.
You must have Remote Connection permissions to perform this command.
Caution: You must be on site to ensure that conditions are safe for turning on the flow of gas. This is a three-step procedure: first, perform the Arm for Connection command; second, ensure no flow of gas is occurring and conditions are safe; third, press the arm button on the meter to open the valve. This turns on the flow of gas to the customer's premises.
Gen5 Intelis Gas Meter, Gen5 Intelis 250 Gas Meter, Gen5 Intelis 425 Gas Meter
Table 17 Arm for Connection command entry fields for Gen5 Intelis Gas Meter
Endpoint ID
Type or scan the ID number of the device you are working with. This number is assigned to each device at the time of manufacture. It uniquely distinguishes the device from all others.
Arm for Connection
Press Yes or No to continue the operation with the following understanding:
You must wait to manually arm the valve. Press Yes and wait for the Field Tools Service Status screen to show the Valve State as Armed. If you attempt to manually open the valve before Field Tools reports the valve is Armed, the valve will return a failed status and initiate a tamper event.
Intelis Gas Meter, Intelis 250 Gas Meter, Intelis 425 Gas Meter
Table 18 Arm for Connection command entry fields for Intelis Gas Meter
Endpoint ID
Type or scan the ID number of the device you are working with. This number is assigned to each device at the time of manufacture. It uniquely distinguishes the device from all others.
Arm for Connection
Press Yes or No to continue the operation with the following understanding:
You must wait to manually arm the valve. Press Yes and wait for the Field Tools Service Status screen to show the Valve State as Armed. If you attempt to manually open the valve before Field Tools reports the valve is Armed, the valve will return a failed status and initiate a tamper event.
If you receive a warning message indicating that valve request failed due to a low battery or outside temperature condition, it is because either:
The meter's battery status is reported as Bad (charge at 10 percent or less),
The meter measured its outside temperature to be outside operational temperature ranges.
In these circumstances, Field Tools still attempts to complete thevalve command. If the valve won't operate–that is, if Field Tools rejects the initial command–then a second attempt can be made using an override.
Warning! Override is for emergency uses only. This allows you to attempt to use the command even when minimum battery life and outside temperature conditions are not met. There are risks associated with using override. Before you continue, be sure to understand these risks. For more information, see Valve operations in the Intelis gas family of meters
Press Yes to continue with the override commandd. Press No to stop using the override command.
OpenWay Riva Intelis Gas Meter
Table 19 Arm for Connection command entry fields for OpenWay Riva Intelis Gas Meter
Endpoint ID
Type or scan the ID number of the device you are working with. This number is assigned to each device at the time of manufacture. It uniquely distinguishes the device from all others.