Programmed Meter Configuration Response Fields



FDM User

The user name of the FSR who last programmed the meter.

Meter Configuration

The meter configuration the endpoint is programmed for (Intelis Gas Meter).

Count Rate

The index without a correction applied.

Index Unit of Measure

Identifies the billing index that has intervals.

Meter Reading Direction

The volume of usage that occurred under an alarm.

Digits Right

The module’s endpoint model (OWR Intelis Gas).

Pressure Compensated

The meter's current programmed meter configuration (Intelis Gas Meter). The field name is a hyperlink that opens the meter configuration log, where you can view details about the meter configuration. See Programmed Meter Configuration Response Fields.

Total Digits

The selected unit for display.

Initial Meter Reading

The pressure compensation value programmed into the endpoint to compensate for the effect of atmospheric pressure on recorded consumption.

Test Mode Maximum Time

The amount of time, in hours, that the test mode can run.

Test Mode Pulse Width

The selected pulse width of the test mode.

Test Mode Pulse Weight

The selected pulse weight of the test mode.

Test Station Mode

The % by which your prover station results are expressed:

  • % Error
  • % Accuracy
  • %Proof

Test Flow Rate Unit

The flow rate unit of measure:

  • Imperial (cubic feet per hour)
  • Metric (cubic meters per hour)

Test Flow Rate Check

The prover station check flow rate, in either cubic feet per hour (CFH) or cubic meters per hour (CMH), depending on the selected prover flow rate unit. This is typically 20-35% of the meter capacity.

Test Percentage Check

The value from the test mode screen for the meter's check result.

Test Flow Rate Open

The prover station flow rate open, in either cubic feet per hour (CFH) or cubic meters per hour (CMH), depending on the selected prover flow rate unit. This is typically 80-100% of the capacity.

Test Percentage Open

The percentage of the meter's open result.