Use the Decommission command on Intelis Gas OW Riva Meters to turn off the ultrasonic measurement unit (UMU) so that the device stops measuring gas. When the meter is in mobile mode, it can only be commissioned when it is in Command Secure and Full Security.
The device must be in the sealed state in order to perform commission or decommission. If the endpoint is in an unsealed state, an error pop up is shown with message:
Can't decommission Intelis OW Riva in unsealed state.
Note: Intelis 250 and 425 Gas Meters are shown as "Intelis Gas OW Riva" in the FDM Tools user interface.
Click OK to terminate the operation and navigate to the test mode operations page.
Important! The commission and decommission commands do not connect or disconnect the valve.
Decommissioning performs the following actions:
Logs a decommission event in the event log.
Saves the current valve state (connected/disconnected) in the UMU.
Powers off the UMU or puts it into a mode that protects it from corruption when the cable is disconnected.
Disables some tampers/logs/automatic actions that should not occur when the index is removed from the meter.
Instructs the BPD to deregister the device.
Puts the BPD into Factory Ship Mode.
Decommission Complete
on the LCD.
To ensure that the meter has been successfully decommissioned, attempt to use either the Read Endpoint or the Check Endpoint command. FDM displays the following error:
There is an error while processing your request.
Read failed: Device is decommissioned and cannot be read.