Extract Interval Data

Advanced Feature: The feature discussed in this section requires an advanced subscription. For more information, see Basic and Advanced Features.

Use Extract Interval Data to retrieve the datalogging information recorded by an endpoint or meter and save the data to the FDM mobile application’s mobile device command log. The FDM server retrieves the device command log during synchronization.

The Extract Interval Data command appears on the FDM Tools command menu only for FSRs who have permission in FDM to use it. If you do not see this command and you need to use it, ask your manager to give you the necessary permission.

The data logging functions of the following devices enable them to maintain a historic record of period readings taken over weeks or months:

  • 100G DLS
  • 100W+ series
  • 100T-HON
  • 100T-CP
  • OpenWay Riva 500G ERT Module (Mobile ChoiceConnect mode)
  • Intelis Gas Meters (Mobile ChoiceConnect mode)
  • Itron Cellular 500G Module (Mobile ChoiceConnect mode)
  • Gen5 500G ERT Module (Mobile ChoiceConnect mode)
  • OpenWay Riva 500W ERT Module (Mobile ChoiceConnect mode)
  • Itron Cellular 500W Module (Mobile ChoiceConnect mode)

  • Gen5 500W ERT Module (Mobile ChoiceConnect mode)

Navigate to the Device Commands node on the server client to see the data.

The following table describes the storage and reporting details for each device type that supports this command:

Endpoint type

Max storage and reporting

100G DLS

40 days’ hourly gas consumption readings

100W+ series

40 days’ hourly water consumption readings


40 days' hourly interval data for 2 channels


480 days’ daily DC and AC voltage readings

OpenWay Riva 500G ERT Module (mobile)

40 days of hourly interval data

Intelis Gas Meters (mobile)

40 days of hourly interval data

Itron Cellular 500G Module (mobile)

40 days of hourly interval data

Gen5 500G ERT Module (mobile)

40 days of hourly interval data

OpenWay Riva 500W ERT Module (mobile)

40 days of hourly interval data

Gen5 500W ERT Module (mobile)

40 days of hourly interval data

Itron Cellular 500W Module (mobile)

40 days of hourly interval data

For an explanation of the device's datalogging file fields, see "Device Commands" in the Field Deployment Manager Server Client Guide if you have an FDM workorders system or the Field Deployment Manager Tools Configuration Guide if you have an FDM Tools system.

The following diagram summarizes the procedure for a 100G DLS and 100W+ series data logging endpoints and 100T-HON and 100T-CP telemetry modules:

Note:  The Extract Interval Data command can take up to 90 seconds to collect the data for all datalogging intervals. Be sure to remain within radio range of the endpoint until FDM has finished retrieving the information.

The following diagram summarizes the procedure for Intelis Gas Meters, OpenWay Riva 500G, Itron Cellular 500G Module, Gen5 500G ERT Module, OpenWay Riva 500W ERT Module, Itron Cellular 500W Module, and Gen5 500W ERT Module operating in Mobile (ChoiceConnect) mode:

If the meter is fully secured (see Working with Enhanced Security Capable Endpoints), you must retrieve the necessary secure commands before you can execute this function (see Retrieving Secure Commands from the FDM Server).

If enhanced security is enabled on the module, your FDM security manager may have sent a key exchange command for the module along with the secure commands you retrieved from the server. If so, the mobile application executes the key exchange command before executing any of the secure commands. If you receive an error message indicating a security key mismatch, synchronize your mobile device with the server and then perform a Get Commands command. If you still receive the message after performing these steps, contact an Itron customer support representative.

An FC300 handheld, Itron Mobile Radio (IMR), or an FC200SR handheld that is configured to support datalogging is required to perform this function. The 900MHz Belt-Clip Radio does not support datalogging functionality, and thus cannot be used to perform the Extract Interval Data command.