Programming Gas Endpoints

Use Program Endpoint to program 40G/GB and 100G/100G DL/100GDLN gas ERT modules, 2.4GZ OpenWay Gas Modules, and 2.4ZR OpenWay Mesh Range Extenders. Depending on your utility, the Program Endpoint workflow may or may not require you to select a meter configuration. The procedure varies somewhat, depending on the configuration of the meter associated with the device being programmed.

For the 40G/GB, use the following procedure.

An IMR is required for 100G, 100G DL, and 100G DLN gas ERT modules.

When you program a 2.4GZ OpenWay Gas Module or a 2.4ZR OpenWay Mesh Range Extender, the system prompts you to use a magnet to activate the device’s programming mode (see 2.4GZ OpenWay Gas Module Programming Mode Activation).

For additional details about how to program a 2.4ZR, see Programming the 2.4ZR OpenWay Range Extender.

An IMR or laptop is required for 2.4GZ OpenWay Gas Modules and 2.4ZR Range Extenders.